By anticipating the legal requirement by one year, OVS, accompanied by Nativa, drafted its first sustainability report, A better future for all, transforming the regulatory obligation into a tool to collect and share intermediate progress and an opportunity to communicate and enhance company reputation.
The goal of climate neutrality by 2050 set by the European Union also poses the business world to rethink the economic and cultural paradigms adopted so far. A transition that, beyond regulations, represents an imperative and an opportunity. Imperative because in the coming months and years all companies will be called upon to address the […]
A coalition of Italian companies come together to place their commitment to climate neutrality on par with profit. They will honor this commitment in their corporate bylaws so they can meet the necessary conditions to address the climate crisis and honor European emission goals. CO2alizione Italia, the initiative joined by more than sixty Italian companies to […]
The Intesa Sanpaolo Group rewards companies that commit to concrete and proven actions to improve their ESG profile. A result achieved with the support of Nativa.
With the support of NATIVA, Civibank rewrites the way of banking, combining the pursuit of profit with the objectives of common benefit through the acquisition of the legal status of Benefit Society. Protecting its mission over the long term. This is a priority for CiviBank, which was founded in 1886 as the Cooperative Bank […]
In 2021, as NATIVA we supported financial institutions in equipping their offerings with innovative products that integrate environmental and social aspects and supported beneficiary companies in accessing these types of products. In 2020 Larry Fink, CEO and Chairman of BlackRock, wrote to companies in which the fund participated, “Without a Vocation, no company, public […]
Adoption of the best green building practices in shop fitting represents the new challenge that Italian brands such as Gianni Versace, KIKO and OVS have undertaken with the objective of meeting the commitments taken in terms of impact on the environment and on people.
Nativa accompanies companies in innovation processes guided by sustainability principles that strategically involve all areas of activity. In the construction sector, the quality of environments and the positive impact on people are at the centre of evolution strategies. For Geox, the program involved the new company restaurant at the headquarters in Montebelluna. Not just a […]
The design choices adopted for the new Zordan headquarters are aimed at setting up a building organism that interprets the functional needs and at the same time transmits to the local community the iconic value of the Zordan family’s entrepreneurial tradition in the Valdagno area. A museum at the entrance tells visitors over 50 years of company history and makes employees participate every day in the long tradition.
Designing and thinking about buildings with the wellbeing of people and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in mind. This is one of the challenges that companies will face in the coming years. This has been understood by the Chiesi Group and the Davines Group, which have chosen to adopt international frameworks for assessing the […]
The former captain of the Italian National Rugby Team joins the Regenerative Design Company to contribute to the diffusion of sustainable paradigms in the sports and large events system. After 107 international matches played with the Italian National Rugby team with which he wore the captain’s armband 17 times and as a professional athlete […]
The Jova Beach Party has chosen NATIVA for the measurement of its social and environmental impacts, with the will to improve over time and aspire to regenerate people, communities and the environment. Jova Beach Party was not born as a simple concert, but as a real party that also wants to be a moment […]
RCS Sport has decided to map the environmental and social impacts of its two flagship events, Enel Milano Marathon and Giro d’Italia to guide the sustainable planning of its future editions. The project involves the entire ecosystem in a quantitative and qualitative measurement and analysis. The results found will be narrated in a dedicated report. […]