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More than 60 Italian companies launch CO2alizione Italia and amend bylaws for climate neutrality

A coalition of Italian companies come together to place their
commitment to climate neutrality on par with profit. They will honor this commitment in their corporate bylaws so they can meet the necessary conditions to address the climate crisis and honor European emission goals.


CO2alizione Italia, the initiative joined by more than sixty Italian companies to increase the level of commitment to climate neutrality through the adoption of an innovative governance practice that sees corporate bylaws as a means of formalizing commitment, was born today.

The member companies commit to progressively evolve their business and operating models towards a climate-neutral economy, a goal that is integrated within the corporate charter so that it becomes a real purpose of the company. In addition to generating profits, the company will keep the sustainable statute even in the case of capital increases, management changes, generational handovers, or stock market listings.

CO2alizione Italia aims to spread this practice so that it is adopted by as many companies as possible. It hopes to contribute to both the climate neutrality objective set by the European Union for 2050 and the adherement to the Paris Climate Agreement goals.

With the recent incorporation of environmental protection into the Constitution, Italy has formalized its commitment to contribute to this vital goal and can, in turn, take a leadership position by stimulating other European countries and the world at large to make their own contributions. In addition to the direction and guidelines of the institutions, the inclusion of climate neutrality as a statutory purpose represents the now formal willingness of the private sector to the achievement of the goal of climate protection, in line with the European climate neutrality goals and the national ecological transition goals.

In the absence of bold laws and regulatory plan- explains Paolo Di Cesare, NATIVA co-founder and one of the CO2alition promotersit is essential to adopt innovative tools capable of unleashing the creative energies of individuals and give rise to collaborative processes that have never been tried before. This requires an enabling condition capable of making company action permanent and institutionalize it, as an integral part of corporate governance, so it can achieve the goal of climate neutrality alongside the profit motive. The time of generic promises has come to an end. The time of commitment elevated to the very purpose of business begins.”

As the Sixth IPCC Assessment Report points out, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other major greenhouse gasses are causing potentially irreversible climate disruption for the planet and our species. Human activity is the main cause of these disruptions, and experts point to the urgency of acting synergistically among all parties to limit the effects of climate change. This will give way, in the coming decades, to a radical evolution of our habits and a sharp shift from current patterns of production and consumption into a model that eliminates harmful additions to the climate crisis. To be implemented, this would first require a corporate assumption of responsibility and a commitment to report annually, with transparency, on the actions and policies put in place for climate protection.

Innovating in order to eliminate one’s contribution to the climate crisis is an imperative for any business and all human activities. These first 60 companies have chosen to innovate their governance in innovative ways, and we trust that the leadership they express will begin the spread of this practice on a national, continental and planetary scale.” – comments Eric Ezechieli, co-founder of NATIVA.

The initiative was launched at the headquarters of Associazione Civita, with Secretary General Simonetta Giordani, Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile President Edo Ronchi and representatives of member companies in attendance.

“The decision of a group of companies to become leaders in zeroing greenhouse gas emissions– says Edo Ronchi, President of Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibilemakes an important
contribution to increasing the national commitment against the climate crisis. Demonstrating that a group of companies can be successful on the path to climate neutrality- without excessive costs and with good results, including economic ones- brings a significant contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, but it is even more important because it generates a knock-on effect at the national and international level.”

“We are the largest international B Corp certified pharmaceutical group– comments Maria Paola Chiesi, Shared Value & Sustainability Head of the Chiesi Group. “For us, comprehensive and enduring standards and measurement frameworks are essential to encourage and track progress toward a zero-emissions society, as they enable companies to plan and implement specific actions, which helps citizens and policymakers identify mitigation measures that really make a difference. We support CO2alizione Italia to stimulate a paradigm shift toward a measured and certified business model that has a positive impact on people, society, territory and planet.”

Salvatore Castiglione, Corporate Affairs of Danone Italia, says: “Being part of CO2alizione Italia for
us at Danone, already a Benefit Company and certified B Corp since 2020, means integrating in our corporate charter, in addition to the commitments we have already made, a commitment to climate neutrality. This is why we have internal company projects such as ZERO3, a plan that is already part of the answer to this challenge by reporting year by year on the reduction of CO2 emissions and beyond.”

“For Fileni, joining CO2alizione is a further piece of a sustainable path that began more than 20 years ago and has led us to be – today – the reference point for organic proteins in Italy. A path that takes concrete form every day with the commitments we have made in our Sustainability Manifesto, which – not by chance – is entitled “We choose to defend the future”,  explains Roberta Fileni, vice president of the Fileni Group.

“Throughout its 20-year history, the Hera Group has placed at the center of its strategy a growing commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability, which has evolved and matured over time with the introduction of a strategic approach aimed at creating shared value. Last year the inclusion of the concept of corporate purpose in Hera’s Articles of Association and the recent transformation of the subsidiary Hera Luce into a Benefit Company have also confirmed the Group’s commitment to this path, for the benefit of the territorial ecosystem of reference and future generations”, comments Alessandro Battistini, General Manager of Hera Luce.

Joining CO2alignment Italy are: Aboca, Acetificio de Nigris, ADR Center, Antica Erboristeria, Arkage, Beste, CEF Publishing, Chiesi Group, Damiano, Danone Italia, Davines, E’Ambiente, E80, Emsibeth, Enetec, Engine, Erbolario, Erbolario Franchising, Eurotherm, Evogy, Fedabo, Feudi San Gregorio, Fileni, Florim, Garc Ambiente, Garc, Gelit, Grassi, Green Future Project, Gruppo Hera, Gustibus Alimentari, illycaffè, Intexo, Irritec, Jonix, Kerakoll, Lazzerini, Lenet Group, Lundbeck Italia, Mine Studio, Mutti, NATIVA, Nespresso Italiana, NWG Energia, NWG Italia, Onde Alte, Palm, Panino Giusto, Pattern, Perlage Winery, Fratelli Piacenza, POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Redo, Renovit, Reti, Sales, Save The Duck, Siav, Slowear, SNAM, The ID Factory, ViCook, Way2Global.

How to join CO2alition Italy
To join CO2alizione Italia, an amendment to the bylaws is required within 6 months of signing the pledge with the inclusion of climate neutrality as a corporate purpose. Following this, each company must establish and annually report concrete actions and goals with respect to its commitment.

To join: www.co2alizione.eco

CO2alizione Italia
Established in 2022 as a call to action by the private sector to the climate emergency, CO2alizione Italia has the aim of stimulating companies to evolve their operating and business models toward
zero-emission models.

"In the absence of bold laws and regulatory plan- explains Paolo Di Cesare, NATIVA co-founder and one of the CO2alition promoters- it is essential to adopt innovative tools capable of unleashing the creative energies of individuals and give rise to collaborative processes that have never been tried before."
"The decision of a group of companies to become leaders in zeroing greenhouse gas emissions-
says Edo Ronchi, President of the Foundation for Sustainable Development- makes an important
contribution to increasing the national commitment against the climate crisis."
"Innovating in order to eliminate one's contribution to the climate crisis is an imperative for any
business and all human activities."
"We are the largest international B Corp certified pharmaceutical group- comments Maria Paola Chiesi, Shared Value & Sustainability Head of the Chiesi Group. "For us, comprehensive and enduring standards and measurement frameworks are essential to encourage and track progress toward a zero-emissions society".
Salvatore Castiglione, Corporate Affairs of Danone Italia, says: "Being part of CO2alizione Italia for
us at Danone, already a Benefit Company and certified B Corp since 2020, means integrating in our corporate charter, in addition to the commitments we have already made, a commitment to climate neutrality."
"We choose to defend the future",  explains Roberta Fileni, vice president of the Fileni Group.
"Throughout its 20-year history, the Hera Group has placed at the center of its strategy a growing commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability, which has evolved and matured over time with the introduction of a strategic approach aimed at creating shared value", comments Alessandro Battistini, General Manager of Hera Luce.