EN / IT / PT

We are not for the undecided, the sleepwalkers, the ones sitting on the fence acting like the climate crisis is not real, ignoring inequalities and forgetting that we humans are part of an interdependent world.

We are for the legacy leaders who have chosen to take action and leave the world better than they found it. The ones who say no to cosmetic fixes. The ones who are here to create positive impact and boost their business’ potential in doing so.

At Nativa, we believe that only when you are bold evolution flows. Only when you are ready to embrace radicality and redesign the way you do business, can positive change become a reality.

We join you on your journey of change, guiding you in achieving radical business evolution through purpose activation, human inspiration and powerful tools.

Get ready for a journey of change!

We are Regenerative Designers.

We help legacy leaders in achieving radical business evolution, through human inspiration and powerful tools.


Paolo Di Cesare
Eric Ezechieli
Silvia Zanazzi
Chief Regeneration Scientist
Stefano Pieretti
Regenerative Architecture Benefit Unit Leader
Samira Tasso
Evolution Flow Leader
Francesco Serventi
Evolution Flow Leader
Matteo Ghedini
Evolution Flow Leader
Marco Valerio Ceccotti
Regenerative Architecture Specialist
Nicola Piccolo
Evolution Guide & Climate Champion
Miriam Damiano
Administration & Support to Teams
Letizia Rigazzi
Evolution Guide & Activism Champion
Valentina Ciurlante
Evolution Guide & Community Catalyst
Luca Guarnieri
Evolution Guide
Guido Ferrari Bravo
Evolution Guide
Bénédicte Peillon
Evolution Guide &
International Catalyst
João Bernardo Valentin Casali
Latin America Lead
Martina Grossi
Evolution Guide
Dario De Rossi
Evolution Guide
Francesco Carra
Brand & Communications Activism
Gianandrea Spadoni
Evolution Guide & Knowledge Sharing Booster
Valentina Zanini
Evolution Guide
Matilde Breda
Regenerative Architecture Specialist
Pierpaolo Laurito
Evolution Guide
Giulia Garello
Evolution Guide
Pierfrancesco Paradiso
Evolution Guide
Elena Basile
Evolution Guide
Claudia Mormino
Human Potential Lead
Marco Giambone
Evolution Guide
Alice Zannini
Evolution Guide
Federica Bombacci
Evolution Guide
Chiara Caimi
Evolution Guide
Federica Travaglini
Evolution Guide
Matteo Caprioli
Evolution Guide
Leonardo Ghiraldini
Evolution Guide
Giada Cianfarini
Brand & Communications Activism
Irene Lo Vecchio
Evolution Guide
Yasemin Ottaviani
Evolution Guide
Chiara Tufarelli
Evolution Guide
Alessia Decicco
Evolution Guide & Regenerative Architecture Specialist
Susanna Potestio
Evolution Guide
Qi Shao
Evolution Guide
Juan Diego Mujica Filippi
Evolution Guide
Alessandra De Santi
Veronica Tominic
Office Manager & Personal Assistant
Elisa Saturno
Evolution Guide
Tommaso Bulgarelli
Evolution Guide
Anna Büchi
Evolution Guide
Giulia Belpoliti
Evolution Guide
Valeria Venditti
Agnese Peyron
Giuseppe Colasurdo
Evolution Guide
Emanuele Cazzola
Evolution Guide
Antonio Pinto
Evolution Guide
Lorenzo Fioramonti
Ecosystem Catalyst
Giulia Delogu
Evolution Guide
Gianluca Laera
Evolution Guide
Valerio Giustino
Evolution Guide
Mattia Musso
Evolution Guide
Paola Merletti
Evolution Guide
Davide Cananzi
Francesco Amabile