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Opella Italy and Corporate Responsibility towards sustainability. An interview with Luisa Barba

Since 2020, NATIVA has been supporting the sustainability journey of Opella Global, leading to progressive improvements in the company’s impact and the transformation of Opella North America, Germany, Latin America and Italy into B Corps.

In Italy, we have additionally assisted Opella in the transformation process into a Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit), involving deep engagement and alignment of management and the entire company population. We chose to interview Luisa Barba, Head of Communication and Sustainability at Opella Italy, to learn about her personal experience and the company’s perspective on this transformation.

Luisa, tell us more about yourself! What key moment in your life brought you here, and what is the idea, vision, or motivation that gets you out of bed every morning to bring sustainability principles to Opella and beyond?

I don’t believe there have been specific moments in my life that brought me to where I am today, doing what I do, thinking what I think. Rather, many of the experiences I’ve had, both personally and professionally, have somehow facilitated my path a journey of knowledge, awareness, and growth that has always looked to the future, aiming to improve people’s lives through innovation development and the promotion of a culture that pays the right attention to daily well-being.

Waking up every morning with the goal of bringing sustainability principles to Opella is motivated by the awareness of the positive impact we can have on people’s health and our planet. I firmly believe that companies have the power and responsibility to lead the change towards a more sustainable future. Every step we take in this direction not only enhances the company’s reputation but, more importantly, has a tangible impact on people’s health and the health of our planet.

What are the biggest challenges the self-medication sector faces today regarding sustainability?

The self-medication sector faces several sustainability challenges today, reflecting global concerns about people’s health and well-being, the environment, and social responsibility. Self-medication often involves managing minor ailments or symptoms that may occur in daily life. The challenge here is to educate consumers to make informed choices, adopt healthy lifestyles, simplify self-care practices, create a culture for more conscious use of health care products, and promote prevention. It is also important to ensure fair and sustainable access to self-medication products. The industry must engage in research and development of new products sustainably, adopting practices that reduce resource use, minimize environmental impacts, and promote responsible innovation. Packaging is also a significant aspect: the challenge is to find solutions to reduce the use of non-recyclable materials, promote compostable and sustainable packaging, and develop strategies to better manage their life cycle.
Finally, I want to mention the promotion of social responsibility: the sector must address the challenge of promoting corporate social responsibility, including transparency regarding ethical practices, involvement of local communities, and ethical management of supply chains. Addressing these challenges will require collaboration between companies and institutions to develop innovative and sustainable solutions that balance industry needs with environmental and people’s health responsibility.

As part of its sustainability strategy, Orpella Italy has chosen to become a Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit). How has this transformation supported the evolution of your governance in terms of sustainability?

We chose to become a Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit) even before obtaining B Corp Certification because, for us, this transformation represents a significant commitment to sustainability, shared and embraced by all company functions. This change involves redefining goals integrated into the bylaws, going beyond the simple pursuit of profit to consider the social and environmental impact of our activities. Our governance has necessarily evolved to include specific metrics and indicators related to sustainability, which are now considered in the decision-making process. As a Benefit Corporation, we are required to provide more comprehensive reporting on our social and environmental activities, and our governance now includes processes and procedures to monitor and transparently communicate positive sustainability impacts. This commitment requires increased stakeholder engagement, strengthening communication channels to ensure fair and transparent management.
In general, the transformation into a Benefit Corporation reflects a strategic shift in the company’s values, and governance adapts accordingly to ensure that these values and commitments are integrated into all business decisions.

The transformation process into a Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit) in Italy involved the entire Opella reality in Italy. How were these moments experienced by you and the Opella Italy community?

The transformation process into a Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit) in Opella Italy was a thorough and inclusive process that involved the entire company in Italy. The adopted methodology, through “Human Exploration“, allowed representatives from every company function to participate authentically and naturally in the long-term vision definition process.
During these moments, the involved team worked together to bring forth the vision, seeking to capture the perspectives and ideas of each collaborator, considering all impact areas, from our people to consumers, customers, communities, and suppliers. Subsequently, the company extended involvement to all colleagues, giving them the opportunity to identify a list of concrete actions to implement for improving impact in the coming years. This gradual approach allowed each member of the Opella Italy community to feel an integral part of the decision-making process and actively contribute to goal and action definition.
It’s important to note that this preparation process lasted almost two years, leading us to achieve B Corp Certification today. This journey taught us to be more aware of our actions and constantly seek ways to improve our business practices. But there’s an even greater value that I take home: the team spirit, the sense of belonging to a team, the pride of working for a company that puts people at the center and sets ambitious goals to improve our future and the world around us. That’s definitely a great value.

What actions for the community, people, and the environment contributed to achieving this result?

One of the pillars of our commitment is caring for people. We foster professional and personal growth, value diversity, and strongly believe in workplace equity, as demonstrated by our “Gender Neutral Parental Leave policy” and the recent “Gender Equality Certification.” Our commitment is also realized through specific projects, such as “L’isola formativa” in Origgio, a reskilling program for people with disabilities.
We actively support communities through meaningful partnerships. Our collaboration with Save the Children through the “Viva la pancia” project and support for the Red Cross are tangible examples of our social commitment. Environmental protection is another crucial aspect of our commitment. We use point-of-sale materials that consist of at least 80% recycled and 100% recyclable material. At our production facility in Origgio, we have reduced 
operational greenhouse gas emissions by 22% in the last four years, demonstrating tangible commitment to reduce our environmental impact while doubling production volumes.

What are the next sustainability activities you have planned?

Firstly, we are planning to introduce sustainability training courses for all employees during the onboarding process to raise awareness and actively engage our teams. Additionally, we are integrating sustainability into job descriptions and employee objectives, promoting an integrated and responsible approach in daily activities.
Concerning the environment, we are actively working at our production site to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, implementing measures and technologies to mitigate our environmental impact. We are increasing the use of renewable electricity to reduce our overall carbon footprint. In the production cycle, there are strategies in place to significantly reduce water usage, contributing to water resource conservation. We are also committed to reviewing and optimizing our approach to packaging and packs.
Concurrently, we are promoting active participation of our employees in volunteer activities and implementing policies and practices that foster equity and inclusion, ensuring equal access to growth and professional development opportunities. These initiatives not only contribute to creating a fair and inclusive work environment but also enrich our corporate culture through diverse ideas and perspectives.

Let’s conclude with a personal question we ask a ll our Legacy Leaders. We know you have two daughters. What does it mean for you to be a good ancestor?
Being a good ancestor for me means creating an environment where my daughters, Victoria and Nina, aged 14 and 13, can grow up happy, secure, and aware of their value. I try to be a positive example for them, promoting values such as kindness, empathy, determination, and respect for others. Providing them with the resources to develop their personalities and helping them seize the necessary opportunities to develop their passions and talents. I am a proud mom, proud of their curiosity, determination, their ability to face challenges with courage, and to see how they care about the preservation of the planet. Being a good ancestor is a role I embrace with a sense of responsibility, knowing that I am contributing to shaping the future through the growth of Victoria and Nina.



Since 2020, NATIVA has been supporting the sustainability journey of Opella Global, leading to the progressive improvement of the company's impact and the transformation into a B Corp for Opella in North America, Germany, Latin America, and Italy.
We chose to interview Luisa Barba, Head of Communication and Sustainability at Opella Italy, to hear firsthand about her experience and the entire company's perspective on this journey.
Waking up every morning with the goal of bringing sustainability principles to Opella is motivated by the awareness of the positive impact we can have on people's health and our planet. I firmly believe that companies have the power and responsibility to lead the change towards a more sustainable future.
The challenge here is to educate consumers to make informed choices and adopt healthy lifestyles, simplifying the practice of self-care, creating a culture for more conscious use of health care products, and promoting prevention. The industry must also engage in research and development of new products sustainably, adopting practices that reduce resource use, minimize environmental impacts, and promote responsible innovation.
We chose to become a Benefit Corporation, even before becoming a B Corp, because for us, this transformation represents a significant commitment to sustainability, shared and embraced by all company functions.
The transformation process has been a thorough and inclusive journey involving the entire company in Italy. The adopted methodology, through "Human Exploration," allowed representatives from every business function to participate authentically and naturally in the process of defining the company's long-term vision.